Deeping Knowledge on Lifelong Learning Basic Skills
Via ERASMUS+ funding we are able to deepen our knowledge on basic skills and lifelong learning. The aim of this project is to broaden knowledge about basic skills in adult education. Learning from good examples and innovations in other countries will enable the foundation to engage an even wider range of employers in the coming years. This will result in motivating more low-literate people to work on their basic skills.
The Common European Numeracy Framework
The Reading and Writing Foundation is a strategic partner in this ERASMUS+ -project along with Prof. Kees Hoogland (Utrecht University of Applied Sciences) and three other countries. It aims to design a common European Numeracy Framework and tackle low levels of numerical skills. People who struggle with numbers and numerical information encounter all kinds of obstacles. How can we offer meaningful education that makes it easier for people to take part in society? in this project.
Digital Upskilling 4 Work
As part of The Digital Collective (DigiCo), we carried out the 'Digital Upskilling 4 Work' project at six social and sheltered employment companies in 2022-2023. The aim was to make employees more digitally skilled so that they can participate better at work and in society. Visit Digital Upskilling 4 Work for a factsheet and video with participants.
European Literacy Network (ELINET)
ELINET consisted of 79 partner organisations from 28 countries (24 of which are EU member states). The partners involved include existing literacy networks and national literacy associations, education ministries and national agencies, international organisations (such as UNESCO), foundations and NGOs, universities, research centres, teacher training institutions, voluntary organisations and other stakeholder groups work-ing in the field of literacy.
The team leaders were Booktrust, the Free University of Brussels, the Institute of Education, the German Read-ing Foundation (Stiftung Lesen), the German Association for Reading and Writing (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Lesen und Schreiben), Stichting Lezen en Schrijven (the Dutch Reading and Writing Foundation) and Universität zu Köln (University of Cologne).
Countries involved:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Fin-land, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom
Want to learn more? Check out the toolkit and database with good practices that can be used for literacy campaigns. Please visit Or contact our office via
EBSN is a non-profit association gathering policymakers engaged in basic skills training for adults. The vision of EBSN is to make sure that all inhabitants of Europe have the level of basic skills they need to have access to lifelong learning, ensure their employability and be active citizens. There are currently almost 100 current members from all over Europe.
The Reading and Writing Foundation is since its start in 2004 very active in international and European networks. We are active and proud members of the European Basic Skills Network- EBSN-. We meet annually for the annual conference and use this moment to idenfity innovations, learn from other countries and strengthen in our European networks.
We strongly advise you to take a look into the EBSN network and consider joining!
EPALE is a European, multilingual, open membership community of adult learning professionals, including adult educators and trainers, guidance and support staff, researchers and academics, and policymakers. EPALE is funded by the Erasmus+ programme. It is part of the European Union’s strategy to promote more and better learning opportunities for all adults.
EPALE does this by supporting and strengthening the adult learning professions. It enables members to connect with and learn from colleagues across Europe, through its blog posts, forums, the Partner Search tool, complemented with physical gatherings.
EPALE provides a wealth of high-quality, accurate information relevant for adult learning practitioners. Over time, more and more of this content should be provided by members themselves. Learn more about how to engage with the EPALE community.